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Lost in the Sauce: Rules finalized to take away LQBTQ rights, cement border wall, sell oil rights

Welcome to Lost in the Sauce, keeping you caught up on political and legal news that often gets buried in distractions and theater… or a global health crisis.
I am doing a separate post for the insurrection and related events. I think it is important to make sure the news in this post doesn't get overlooked.


A new report by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) found that Trump political appointees politicized intelligence around foreign election interference in 2020, resulting in significant errors. ODNI analytic ombudsman Barry Zulauf delivered the report to Congress on Thursday: “Analysis on foreign election interference was delayed, distorted or obstructed out of concern over policymaker reactions or for political reasons.” The biggest misrepresentation of intel involved diminishing the threat posed by Russia and overstating the risk of interference from China.
“Russia analysts assessed that there was clear and credible evidence of Russian election influence activities. They said IC management slowing down or not wanting to take their analysis to customers, claiming that it was not well received, frustrated them. Analysts saw this as suppression of intelligence, bordering on politicization of intelligence from above.”
  • WaPo: Zulauf, a career official, also found an “egregious” example of attempted politicization of the Russian interference issue in March talking points on foreign election threats, prepared “presumably by ODNI staff” and “shaped by” then-Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell.
The Justice Department and the federal judiciary revealed that the Russian Solar Winds hack also compromised their computer systems. 3% of the DOJ’s Microsoft Office 365 were potentially affected; it does not appear that classified material was accessed. The impact on the judiciary seems much more significant, jeopardizing “highly sensitive confidential documents filed with the courts.”
The sealed court files, if indeed breached, could hold information about national security, trade secrets and wiretap transcripts, along with financial data from bankruptcy cases and the names of confidential informants in criminal cases...


D.C. Attorney General Karl Racine has accused U.S. Agency for Global Media Director Michael Pack of funneling $4 million in nonprofit funds to his own for-profit company. In a civil lawsuit filed last week, Racine states that for over 12 years, Pack used a nonprofit company he owned to direct money to his private documentary company, enabling “Pack to line his company’s coffers with a stream of tax-exempt dollars without...a competitive bidding process, public scrutiny, or accounting requirements regarding its spending.”
Employees at Voice of America have filed a whistleblower complaint accusing Pack of using the agency “to disseminate political propaganda in the waning days of the Trump administration. The staffers take issue with a planned speech by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to be broadcast from VOA headquarters. The event, to be attended by a live audience, “is a specific danger to public health and safety” in the middle of a pandemic. Finally, the whistleblowers say the event is “ a gross misuse of government resources,” costing at least $4,000 in taxpayer funds to date and using 18 employees who would otherwise be producing VOA content.
Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller has announced his appointees to the panel set to rename confederate military bases and plan the removal of confederate symbols/monuments. Most controversially, Miller named White House liaison Joshua Whitehouse, who oversaw the purge of the Defense Policy Board and the Defense Business Board last month. The other three Miller-appointees are former acting Army general counsel Earl Matthews, acting assistant secretary of Defense Ann Johnston, and White House official Sean McLean. The remaining four members will be appointed by the Senate and House Armed Services Committees.
  • The 10 Army posts named in honor of Confederate generals are Camp Beauregard and Fort Polk in Louisiana, Fort Benning and Fort Gordon in Georgia, Fort Bragg in North Carolina, Fort A.P. Hill, Fort Lee and Fort Pickett in Virginia, Fort Rucker in Alabama, and Fort Hood in Texas.


The Trump Inaugural Committee, a nonprofit, improperly paid a $49,000 hotel bill that should have been picked up by Trump’s for-profit business. D.C. Attorney General Karl Racine revealed the allegation in an existing lawsuit against the committee, which already accuses Trump’s hotel of illegally pocketing about $1 million of donors’ money. “The Trump Organization was liable for the invoiced charges...The [Committee’s] payment of the invoice was unfair, unreasonable and unjustified and ultimately conferred improper private benefit to the Trump Organization.”
The Professional Golfer’s Association voted last night to move the 2022 PGA Championship from Trump’s Bedminster course. Jim Richerson, PGA of America president, said in a statement that “it has become clear that conducting” the championship at Trump’s property would “be detrimental to the PGA of America brand” and put the organization's ability to function "at risk."
Amid speculation that Trump may spend inauguration day at his Scottish golf course, Scotland First Minister Nicola Sturgeon warned him that even presidents can’t break the country’s pandemic restrictions. “We are not allowing people to come into Scotland now without an essential purpose, which would apply to him, just as it applies to everybody else. Coming to play golf is not what I would consider an essential purpose,” she said.
Trump is on a Presidential Medal of Freedom spree, giving out the award to sports figures and Republican allies. Last Monday, Trump awarded the medal to Rep. Devin Nunes for his work undermining the FBI’s investigation of Russia’s election interference. “Devin Nunes’ courageous actions helped thwart a plot to take down a sitting United States president,” the White House press release states. Likewise, Trump gave the medal to Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) for his “effort to confront the impeachment witch hunt” and “exposing the fraudulent origins of the Russia collusion lie.”
  • The day after Trump supporters rampaged through the Capitol, Trump awarded the medal to retired professional golfers Annika Sorenstam and Gary Player. The president planned on giving New England Patriots coach Bill Belichick the medal on Thursday, but he declined the offer, saying that “the tragic events of last week occurred and the decision has been made not to move forward with the award.”


Dominion Voting Systems filed suit against pro-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell for defamation. Powell falsely claimed that Dominion had rigged the election, that Dominion was created in Venezuela to rig elections for Hugo Chávez, and that Dominion bribed Georgia officials for a no-bid contract,” the lawsuit states. Citing millions spent on security for employees, damage control to its reputation, and future losses, Dominion requests damages of more than $1.3 billion.
  • Dominion's lawyer told reporters last week the lawsuit against Powell “is just the first in a series of legal steps.” Ari Cohn, a free speech and defamation lawyer, told WaPo: “If I had to guess I would say that [Poulos] wants a very public vindication with a ruling establishing that Sidney Powell defamed them and that her statements were baseless...That's not something you generally get in a settlement agreement.”
  • Just last week, Trump again said at a rally that Dominion machines allowed “fraudulent ballots” to be counted during the 2020 election (clip).
The Supreme Court declined to fast track eight Trump-related cases related to the 2020 election, ensuring they won’t be taken up before Biden’s inauguration. The cases include one brought by attorney Lin Wood against Georgia’s Secretary of State, the so-called “Kraken” cases, and three brought by Trump’s campaign. It is possible the lawsuits will be declared moot after Biden is sworn in.
The Supreme Court has agreed to hear two cases alleging that the Treasury Dept. incorrectly distributed Coronavirus aid meant for tribal governments. The Lower 48 Tribes argue that Alaska Native Corporations (ANCs) are not eligible for CARES Act funding, while the Trump administration wants to divvy up the money between tribes and ANCs.


A federal judge blocked the Trump administration’s final attempt to restrict U.S. asylum laws. District Judge James Donato (Obama appointee) ruled in favor of advocacy groups who argued that acting Homeland Security secretary Chad Wolf lacked authority to impose the new rules, which would have resulted in the denial of most asylum applications.
“The government has recycled exactly the same legal and factual claims made in the prior cases, as if they had not been soundly rejected in well-reasoned opinions by several courts,” Donato wrote. “This is a troubling litigation strategy. In effect, the government keeps crashing the same car into a gate, hoping that someday it might break through.”
On Monday, acting Homeland Security secretary Chad Wolf submitted his resignation, citing the recent court ruling that he is not a valid appointee to the position. His resignation letter does not cite the Capitol riots or Trump’s language inciting the insurrection. FEMA Administrator Pete Gaynor will be the new acting secretary.
"Unfortunately, this action is warranted by recent events, including the ongoing and meritless court rulings regarding the validity of my authority as Acting Secretary. These events and concerns increasingly serve to divert attention and resources away from the important work of the Department in this critical time of a transition of power," Wolf added.
A new Immigration and Customs Enforcement policy will make it harder for immigrant minors to obtain asylum in the U.S. The change was made at the end of last month by then-acting agency leader Tony Pham, who served in the position for less than five months.
Beginning Dec. 29, ICE officers were told that they must review whether an immigrant child is still “unaccompanied” each time they encounter the minor… The memo indicates that the evaluation by ICE officers can come at any time, including when an officer is reviewing immigration court records of a child, and if it’s determined that an immigrant is no longer unaccompanied, they will move to change their status.
Such a change could lead to making some children ineligible to have their asylum claims initially heard and processed… “If implemented aggressively, this policy could significantly decrease the number of children who ultimately receive asylum in the United States,” said Sarah Pierce, an analyst at the Migration Policy Institute. “They are really putting the onus on ICE officers to do everything they can as frequently as they can to remove these designations.”
The Trump administration is still awarding border wall contracts, even in areas where private land has not yet been acquired. The move will make it more difficult for Biden to stop construction of the border wall.
Attempts to halt construction completely, as Biden promised, will prove difficult, particularly if contracts continue to be struck -- a challenge [acting Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Mark] Morgan acknowledged Tuesday. "They could terminate those contracts if they want to, but that's going to be a very lengthy, messy process," Morgan said.
"We're going to have to go into settlement agreements with each individual contractor," Morgan added, noting, that payments will have to be made for what they've already done, as well as for materials produced. He estimated the process could cost billions.
Trump is set to visit Alamo, Texas, today to celebrate the completion of more than 400 miles of the border wall. You can watch the event on YouTube at 3:00 pm eastern.


Stories that didn’t fit in the above categories...
The Trump administration auctioned off leases to drill oil in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge last week. Only two private companies bid, each winning large tracts of land. Knik Arm Services, from Alaska, paid $1.6 million for a 50,000-acre tract along the Arctic Ocean. A subsidiary of Australian company 88 Energy paid $800,000 to win the smallest tract.
One of the Health and Human Services Department’s final acts under Trump was finalizing the removal of Obama-era regulations barring discrimination among HHS grantees. The change will allow recipients of federal grant money - like adoption and foster agencies - to discriminate against LGBTQ people and those of a different religion.
Human Rights Campaign: “Statistics suggest that an estimated two million LGBTQ adults in the U.S. are interested in adoption… Further, research consistently shows that LGBTQ youth are overrepresented in the foster care system, as many have been rejected by their families of origin because of their LGBTQ status, and are especially vulnerable to discrimination and mistreatment while in foster care. This regulation would only exacerbate these challenges faced by LGBTQ young people.
submitted by rusticgorilla to Keep_Track [link] [comments]

An Industry Deep Dive on How Games Became a Service

Disclaimer: All facts stated in this essay are verifiable and have been researched beforehand.
2013 marked a big year in many aspects for the video game industry, it was a good year for new IPs and (some) sequels if you were a AAA developer. Sony fans may remember being introduced to The Last of Us for the first time as you embarked on a journey as Joel Miller through a post-apocalyptic United States, or if your name was Artyom continued a post-apocalypse Soviet Russian adventure in Metro: Last Light. Reboots were also in affair; Tomb Raider and Devil May Cry made their comebacks with flair and breathed new life into some of gaming's historic franchises. It was also a year that marked the end of certain beloved trilogies with titles such as Bioshock: Infinite and Crysis 3. These were times of big feels, new beginnings, and more importantly: new ideas to create the proverbial ten year cash cows.
You see while all this time you were reminiscing about a heartbroken Joel crying to the tune of Gustavo Santaolalla’s emotional guitar riffs in the background, 2013 was also a year that changed gaming in subtle ways you may not have realized. GTA V made its meteoric rise to the top of the unquenchable stream of revenue in digital media history, meanwhile Valve was setting the stage when it released Dota 2 that was the first ever video game to introduce the concept of a Battle Pass: a name which will live in infamy.
There is a lot to unpack here so we’ll try our best to go in a coherent order. GTA V answered a key question that has been lingering for a long time in the AAA video game business model: can you make games as a service?
Picture yourself tearing down the freeway in the supercar of your dreams, the sun is shining and you are blasting your favourite tunes, to your right is the horizon of a crystal blue pacific ocean, you receive a call from one of your “business partners” about a proposition to earn some tax-free income so you can pay for a superyacht at some point in your career, why? Because crime pays and the fun never ends. Rockstar had perfected the model of what unfettered freedom looks like in a virtual world, and in a genius move, released GTA Online in just two weeks after initial release. Needless to say it was a success, in fact it was more than just that, it became the envy of video game business executives.
The question is often raised and answered, and then forgotten about, and then asked again about why AAA companies don't make one-and-done IPs anymore. At least, very few of them seem to do it.
If $595 million in 2019 from GTA Online alone doesn’t answer the question for you, I don’t know what else will. You see Rockstar didn’t intend for its online component to be as successful as it is. The addictive gameplay loop and highly-detailed compelling world that seduced a large portion of its players (and by extension: the market) was just the elevator pitch. Like any great formula, it needs constant improvement as our old Bethesda buddy Todd Howard always likes to parrot “Great games are played, not made” by that logic then how do you keep a game great then? You keep playing it? How do you keep playing a game? (Well according to Todd its by letting your community of modders finish the game for you)
What Rockstar did was added weekly updates, paid close attention to the needs of its community, had a look at the graphs and noticed only 27% of its players had actually completed the single player campaign (keep in mind this statistic is over 7 years old and may have changed significantly). For the first time GTA broke its tradition by not making expansions for the single player, which is what it was always known for. The Beach Bum update was released for free the following month for GTA Online players and the rest is history. Just kidding GTA Online is releasing a new free game update this December which will expand the playable game world, oh and it's got military submarines and a new plot “a la James Bond”. Seeing the… evolution of what was a game about stealing cars has been an interesting journey so far.
According to and Steam charts, a conservative number of 1.4 million players across PC, PS4, XB1 log-in daily to play GTA Online. The game - even 7 years later - stays consistently in the top 10 of most played games across both consoles.
So this was the Rockstar Games model: forget about single-player because statistically, nobody really cares, let's just focus on our multiplayer because its getting more attention, free updates for everyone to keep them busy, we’ll gradually inflate the fuck out of everything seven years down the line because there’s just gonna be so much content that you’ll need 800 of your real dollars at some point in a recent update if you want to buy all the content, what was that you want to grind for it? Jokes on you, you'll be there forever. This game will be your second job after you come home from your first job, you’ll be too lazy to grind for hours to get a car so why not just buy a shark card? You’re gonna get paid at the end of the month anyways, it's not a big deal.
Well lo and behold, it just works. (Shut up Todd, you’re partly to blame here!)
It is a sound business model, and one that even overshadows Red Dead Redemption 2 which has witnessed a significant dwindling in its online engagement.
In this second part we’ll look at Valves' introduction of the Battle Pass or “Compendium” system in Dota 2 and how 4 years later, it would be adapted and popularized by Epic Games’ Fortnite. Before we dive in, let’s take a little trip to 2004.
You’re on the computer in the living room of your parents house and you’re playing South Korean based Wizet studio’s MapleStory. You don’t have a console and you’re not allowed to play violent video games because your mom is too strict and also because she’s listening to mainstream media rant on how Halo 2 is making children too violent. So you’re stuck with MapleStory, it’s nothing to speak of graphically because it's a 2D side scrolling RPG, but hey it’s free to play and it's Massively Multiplayer Online so at least it has other real people playing it. While you’re playing it, you’re having fun because you find out you can actually do a variety of things even though it's just an innocent 2D looking game. You can chat, trade things with real players, perhaps even band together in a party and go on quests in MapleWorld. One thing is making you envious though: you can’t stop going back to the Cash shop because of all the dope looking outfits you think would look good on your character, and also because other folks are flexing them in your party. In come the “Gachapon tickets” (now for historical accuracy we’ll pretend you’re an expat living in Japan because at the time it was just a japanese thing), a Gachapon is basically a machine that sells capsules containing little toys in them, what capsule you got after inserting your coin was completely random - remember the word Gachapon as we’ll get to it later - MapleStory in Japan allowed for users to pay just 100 measly yen ($1.00) for a Gachapon ticket so you could buy whatever you wanted at the Cash shop, you convince your mom because it’s cheap and because you somehow convinced her that it was not a scam?
Hooray you can finally impress your party with the new gear you just got! You can continue playing the game to your heart's content.
Little did you know that MapleStory would be the inspiration for a special surprise in your gaming experience which we’ll get to in a moment.
Across Asia in the late noughties, it was the free to play titles that generated a considerable amount of income because of their popularity with internet cafe goers and people who weren’t wealthy enough to afford expensive tech. The games were free, accessible because of the growing mobile market in exchange it offered cheap but optional microtransactions to recoup for its development costs. ZT Online (2007) was a chinese developed game that took full advantage of the free to play model, offering optional microtransactions for its committed players and raked in a reported $15 million per month. The first ever mobile game to hit the $1 billion milestone was Puzzle & Dragons released in 2011. In North America and Europe during the social-network heyday saw Zynga develop free to play mobile games such as FarmVille, Zynga Poker, Words with Friends, etc.
Now it’s been a good few years since you were playing shitty 2D side scrolling games, you want to be a part of the big leagues and play some shooters! The year is 2010 and you’re having the time of your life whooping ass in Team Fortress 2, a pioneer of the “hero shooter” genre. It’s September and you are eating a sandvich (nom) while watching your favorite YouTube gaming channel talk about crates containing random loot that can be accessed by purchasing keys, it’s exciting! You’re old enough and mature by your moms standards to be playing TF2 so you use your pocket money allowance to buy these keys so you can later brag to your school friends or online forums. You also learn that Valve is transitioning the game to free-to-play so that it can attract more users. (Are you noticing the pattern here?)
Valve has always been ahead of the curve when it comes to monetization in video games and it’s remarkable how they achieve this, because if you were following the news at the time you’ll remember that when Valve made Team Fortress 2 free-to-play, it dominated the Steam charts f2p list for a reasonable time. 3 years after it became free-to-play, TF2 was reported making $139 million per year alongside Counter Strike which is also a beefy 9-figure earner for the company. This is notwithstanding the fact that Valve has the monopoly on the PC gaming market with Steam which takes a 30% cut of every video-game sale. You really cannot stop the Gaben.
During the time that Valve were transitioning to the free-to-play model they hired Greek-Australian economist and former Greek finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis to research virtual economies. What occurred a few years later was a growing trend of MMOs and MOBAs transitioning to a free-to-play model, starting in 2011 with popular games such as Star Trek Online and Lord Of The Rings Online, adding microtransactions as a means to stay sustainable.
The TF2 crates and keys were another way of interpreting the Gachapon philosophy, get a key to open your “capsule” but leave it to RNG to decide the fate of your purchase.
Valve were the first of the AAA gaming industry to popularize this practice but also to have perfected the art of recurrent user spending, of course what we also saw was a decline in release of new games but we’ll get to that in a bit. Now other video game publishers took notice of Lord Gaben’s business savvy and decided to find their own ways to create additional revenue streams.
Electronic Arts, the founders of “surprise mechanics” decided to monetize FIFA Ultimate Team in 2010 by offering players the opportunity to purchase virtual trading cards as a means to generate extra revenue on a reliable IP with a loyal fanbase. This worked predictably in EA’s favour as of recent 2020 financial reports they have generated $1.49 billion in revenue from FUT alone.
EA being EA wanted to further inflate their sense of pride and accomplishment by using the Gachapon philosophy (a philosophy which worked with free-to-play titles for reasonable causes) by creating their first loot-boxes, now because they’re EA, didn’t bother to transition their games to the free-to-play model, that idea probably got laughed at during a board meeting. These motherfuckers literally decided to have their cake and eat it for all the public to see.
2 years later in 2012 at the release of Mass Effect 3, EA implemented loot boxes into the multiplayer component of the game, in fact they did so with all of their multiplayer IPs: Battlefront, Battlefield. The reason why loot-boxes is a perverted version of the Gachapon ticket (and sorry if I use this word a lot) is because it contains cut content that allow for in game advantages so the gamers ™ have no other option but to gamble their money for something that is not even guaranteed they’ll have because grinding for it will take some ridiculous hundreds of hours of your time.
EA popularized the loot-box which I like to keep separate from Gachapon because the two are fundamentally different. Loot-boxes are gameplay/XP modifiers you have to pay for on top of the full retail price of the game you already bought. Gachapon tickets is a means to support a developer that made a base game free-to-play.
What happened following the increase in quarterly earnings for Electronic Arts after their loot-box boom were a bunch of other companies copying the exact same thing ad nauseam but putting their own “creative” spin on it: Counter Strike: GO did it with weapon cases, Battlepacks for Battlefield 4, COD: AW with Supply Drops.
Overwatch went as far as including loot-boxes to be part of its meta in 2016, other core AAA games following suit, COD, Halo 5, LoL, you name it it probably has it. Fast forward to 2017 and EA are in legal battles with governments about loot boxes and the industry is now getting cold feet. Fortnite becomes the latest trailblazing success. Which is where Valve were once again: ahead of the curve.
You remember at the beginning of this case study where Valve were the first to come up with the concept of a Battle Pass? So in 2013, Dota 2 devised what they called “The Compendium” a business model based on the Season pass or Season ticket used in sports for NFL or Baseball. The models are basically identical: you pay a one time fee for access to an event that typically lasts 3 months. This model works far better than the loot box because it incentivizes players to grind for content they know are guaranteed to get. The player only pays a one-time fee (usually in the $10 price point) giving them a sense of getting their money's worth, I fall for this myself because it is marketed incredibly effectively.
Furthermore the seasonal model “drip-feeds” content, so these may be gameplay modifiers, XP enhancements, unique limited edition content (weapons, shaders, armours) so the more you progress, the greater the benefits.
Now Dota 2 uses the proceeds of Battle Pass sales towards the seasonal tournaments prize pool. For other companies like Bungie it is most likely towards development of new seasonal content or Eververse items.
So during the whole loot-box orgy that lasted a good 5-6 years. Valve were profiting from the seasonal model, Epic Games took note and decided it would use the same thing for their new shooter. In Summer of 2017, Fortnite broke records as one of the highest-grossing free-to-play battle royale titles of the decade, having been downloaded a recorded 350 million times and generating $1.8 billion in revenue in its first year. It was clear at that point the free-to-play model with a season pass and microtransactions store guaranteed a stable platform. 3 years later, Fortnite is projected to make $5 billion at the end of this fiscal year, and has registered 3.2 billion hours of playtime. Now this is important because it took GTA V seven years to break through $6 billion and GTA V (for now) still remains the highest-grossing video game of all time.
We can see Call of Duty Warzone made its Battle Royale mode free-to-play as a direct response to the trend. Bungie followed suit after their recent move to make Destiny 2 a free-to-play model with a seasonal pass built-in to last until 2022.
It’s only a matter of time whether we see more companies and AAA titles decide to do the same for it to determine the “games a service model” will be the dominant market trend. We can safely assess Microsoft is emulating this with its Game Pass Ultimate program which acts as a “Netflix for video games” having recently merged with EA Access expanding its library of “free-to-play” games at the cost of a monthly installment.
If you have made it this far, you are a mad lad. I thought I’d take some time to illuminate the direction in which the video game industry seems to be heading by highlighting the patterns. This is also in an attempt to answer the question of: why are video games the way they are in 2020? It wasn’t easy to write but I hope it was easy for you to read. Once again thank you for taking the time of your day, now what are you waiting for? Go play some video games!
submitted by CypTheIVth to truegaming [link] [comments]

Circumcision: The Uniquely American Medical Enigma | Edward Wallerstein

The continuing practice of routine neonatal nonreligious circumcision represents an enigma, particularly in the United States. About 80 percent of the world's population do not practice circumcision, nor have they ever done so. Among the non-circumcising nations are Holland, Belgium, France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Scandinavia, the U.S.S.R., China, and Japan. People employing circumcision do so either for "health" reasons or as a religious ritual practiced by Muslims, Jews, most black Africans, non-white Australians, and others.
The origin of the ritual practice is unknown. There is evidence of its performance in Israel in Neolithic times (with flint knives) at least 6000 years ago.38 Jews accept the Old Testament origin as a covenant between God and Abraham,18 although it is generally agreed that the practice of circumcision in Egypt predated the Abrahamic Covenant by centuries.55 Ritual Circumcision is not germane to this discussion except insofar as the surgical ritual impinges upon accepted medical practice.65
So called "health" circumcision originated in the nineteenth century, when most diseases were of unknown etiology. Within the miasma of myth and ignorance, a theory emerged that masturbation caused many and varied ills. It seemed logical to some physicians to perform genital surgery on both sexes to stop masturbation; the major technique applied to males was circumcision. This was especially true in the English-speaking countries because it accorded with the mid-Victorian attitude toward sex as sinful and debilitating.64
The most prolific enumerator of the health benefits of circumcision was Dr. P. C. Remondino.50 In 1891 this physician claimed that the surgery prevented or cured about a hundred ailments, including alcoholism, epilepsy, asthma, enuresis, hernia, gout, rectal prolapse, rheumatism, kidney disease, and so forth. Such ludicrous claims are still disseminated and possibly believed. The book was reprinted in 1974, without change, and the Circulating Branch Catalogue of the New York Public Library (1983) listed the Remondino book, showing a publication date of 1974. One physician, writing in Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality (1974), called the book "pertinent and carefully thought out."63
Remondino was not the only one expounding such views. In 1911, Dr. Joseph Preuss, in a monumental tome, Biblical-Talmudic Medicine, claimed that Jewish ritual circumcision endowed health benefits; his sole source was Remondino46 Some espoused more extreme views; in 1910 an article in J.A.M.A. described a new circumcision clamp. The authoinventor claimed that with this device, the operation was so simple that men and women could now circumcise themselves.30
In the 75-year period (1875 to 1950) there was virtually no opposition to routine circumcision in the United States. Instead there were many articles in medical journal and textbooks extolling the practice; the issue was ignored in the popular press. Yet in the more than a century of acceptance of routine circumcision in the English-speaking countries, from 1870 to the present, no other country adopted newborn circumcision.
The first serious questioning of the practice did not occur until late 1949 (in England with the publication of Gairdner's "The Fate of the Foreskin."17 which began to affect the practice of circumcision by the British. In 1963, an editorial in J.A.M.A. called the attitude of the medical profession paradoxical and confused, and admitted that the facts about circumcision were still unknown.14 This was followed by several critiques of circumcision such as those by Morgan (1965 and 1967)38 and Preston (1970).45 In 1968 Øster confirmed Gairdner's findings,42 as did Reichelderfer and Fraga,49 who presented a comprehensive study of circumcision. Yet some physicians continued to support circumcision for surprising reasons. For example, Dr. Robert P. Boland, writing in The New England Journal of Medicine in 1969, compared circumcision with tonsillectomy, calling both procedures "ritualistic," and "widely performed on a non-scientific basis." He opposed routine tonsillectomy but concluded vis-a-vis circumcision: "Little serious objection can actually be raised against circumcision since its adverse effects seem miniscule."5
Table 1. Estimated Newborn Nonreligious Circumcision Rates in English-Speaking Countries.
Great Britain New Zeland Australia Canada America
1 10 30 30 80
In the 1970's, a change seemed in the offing. In 1971 and 1975, the American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force on Circumcision declared: "...there are no valid medical indications for circumcision in the neonatal period."2 In 1978, the position of the American Academy of Pediatrics was endorsed by The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.64 In 1983 both groups jointly reaffirmed their positions.1 The "firm" firm declarations should have caused a marked drop in the United States circumcision rate. They did not.
To explore the circumcision rate in the United States, it is essential to compare the American experience with the other English-speaking countries. Anticircumcision articles appeared in the medical press in all of these countries. Gairdner17 and Øster42 were published in journals in England; Morgan (1967) was published in Australia.39 In 1971, the Australia Paediatric Association recommended: "Male infants should not as a routine be circumcised."13 In 1975, the Canadian Paediatric Society stated, ". . .there is no medical indication for circumcision in the neonatal period."57
Although there is no precise data on circumcision from any country,approximated rates for the English-speaking countries reveal that in Great Britain, the practice has virtually been abandoned; New Zealand follows closely behind. (In a 1982 visit, a number of physicians were apologetic for the "inordinately high" rate of 10 percent. Several physicians stated categorically that they refused to perform routine circumcisions.) The rates in Canada and Australia appear to be declining at about 10 percentage points per decade. The United States stands alone as the only country in the world in which the majority of newborn males are circumcised, purportedly for health reasons.
Before addressing the phenomenon of circumcision in the United States let us examine the Canadian and Australian data. In Canada (Table 2), there are considerable rate differences among the provinces but the overall rate is clearly declining, and in Quebec the practice has been virtually been discontinued. In Australia (Table 3), unlike Canada, the rates by states are relatively uniform, but clearly declining. In 1978, the Australia government recommended that payments for circumcision be reduced or eliminated.71 (In a visit to Australia in 1982, I was told that a national campaign was planned to reduce unnecessary surgery; circumcision was high on the list.)
Table 2. Hospital Inpatient Male Newborn Circumcision in Canada by Province (data from British Columbia and Newfoundland not reported)* 1970 to 1978 by Rank Order of Percentage change
1970 1979 Change (% rounded)
Total 64,015 44,853 -30
Quebec 12,995 3,077 -76
Nova Scotia 2,477 1,004 -60
New Brunswick 1,543 673 -43
Alberta 10,857 9,608 -12
Manitoba 5,006 4,424 -11
Ontario 24,476 26,283 +4
Saskatchewan 3,276 3,655 +12
Table 3 Estimated Neonatal Circumcision Rate in Australia by State, 1973-74 to 1979-80(%)* Adapted from Wirth, J.L.: Current circumcision practices in Australia. Med. J. Aust., 1:179, 1982.
1973-74 1979-80 % Decrease
Total 49 39 10
New South Wales 52 42 10
Victoria 39 28 11
Queensland 62 51 11
South Australia 47 41 6
Western Australia 51 38 13
Tasmania 68 43 25
Although nationwide data on circumcision for Canada and Australia are admittedly imperfect, precise data for the United States are virtually non-existent. The H.E.W. Hospital Records Study excludes neonates.70 The Cycle III Health Examination Survey, conducted from 1963 to 1965 among youths aged 12 to 17, reflected the practice of circumcision in the early 1950's.70 The total circumcision rate was 765 (whites, 80 percent; blacks, 45 percent); regional differences were also noted.
In 1980 Wallerstein provided a crude compendium of circumcision rates reported in the literature.64 This was updated in 1981 by King and Roebuck.29 Since these compendia, other reports from individual hospitals have been noted in the literature (Table 4).25 Of the five hospitals reporting, the lowest rate was 80.7 percent; the other rates ranged from 90 to 98 percent. These data are static, that is, reported within a fixed period, making it impossible to discern a trend. Several hospitals reported longitudinal changes. One New York City maternity center stated that "in the past" the rate was 90 percent; in 1980 it was 60 percent.35 Other reports are more precise, indicating changes from 1978 to 1980, and 1975 to 1979 (Table 4, last two hospitals).3 The year-to-year changes were negligible; clearly there was no precipitous decline. This stability of rate was confirmed by the Commission on Professional and Hospital Activities, which publishes annual data based on projections from atypically large hospitals.72 They show a 1970 rate of 88 percent and a 1980 rate of 86 percent. The mean rates from 1970 to 1975 and from 1976 to 1980 are identical (86 percent).54
Table 4. Circumcision Rates, Selected Hospitals
References: 25, 29, 27, 34, 3, 41 respectively
Hospital Years Rates(%)
New Britain General Hospital, Connecticut 1976-77 80.7
Southern Illinois Hospital 1979 95
John Hopkins Hospital 1980 97.6
St. Agnes Hospital, Baltimore 1981 96-98
Hershey. Pennsylvania Hospital 1983 90-96
George Washington University Medical Hospital 1979 79
1979 77
1980 81
Largest Hospital in Salt Lake County, Utah 1975 92
1976 93
1977 92
1978 92
1979 93
In 1982 Slatkowski and King approached the question of circumcision rates specifically with respect to the pronouncements of the American Academy of Pediatrics on the practice of circumcision in Illinois.54 They obtained data from 18 Chicago-area hospitals; the rates ranged from 27 to 92 percent (mean 78 percent). Five of the hospitals reported rates from 80 to 88 percent; five from 90 to 92 percent; the rates ranged from 74 to 97 percent, with a single exception: one hospital reported a rate of 4.5 percent. Upon further query, that hospital reported a circumcision rate decline beginning after 1974-75.
These United States data reveal no significant national decline in the circumcision rate desperate the pronouncements of the American Academy of Pediatrics or the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. However there are instances of sharp declines in several hospitals. Dr. Joan Hodgman, director of the Newborn Division of the Los Angeles County University of Southern California Medical Center, reported in 1983 that their circumcision rate is zero. Similarly, J.H.T. Chang, pediatric surgeon at the Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas, the largest in the city, stated in 1983 that circumcision is not performed even if the parents demand it.24
Why have most United States physicians persisted in the practice? One reason is that the medical and popular literature abounds in serious errors of scientific judgment, equivocation, and obfuscation. Space limitations permit a brief examination of four issues: pain, venereal disease, cancer, and hygiene.
Pain of circumcision is not a debatable question; it is a fact.21 However, a perusal of writings in the popular press (1982 and 1983) reveals confusion. Proctor and Gamble, one of the nations largest advertisers, promotes Pampers to parents by offering the Expectant Parents Information Kit (1982), which contains the following statement: "You may be surprised to learn that circumcision will not be painful to your baby because, at this early stage of development, the penis does not yet have functioning nerve endings."15
A contrary view was found in American Baby (May 1983), in which parents were told that "Newborns who undergo circumcision experience a great deal of stress and pain . . ." Parents were advised that it was now possible to employ local anesthetics to alleviate such pain.36
Mother's Manual (1982) argues against local anesthesia because ". . . it swells the area to the extent of making an unsatisfactory circumcision too likely."7 Genesis, published by the American Society for Psychoprophylaxis in Obstetrics, carried an article in 1982 in which two writers who attended a Jewish ritual circumcision described the surgery as bloodless, painless and stressless. They suggested that non-Jewish parents explore the possibility of employing ritual circumcisors.11
Parents who read such an array of literature are bound to be bewildered.
Prior to the turn of the century, little was known about venereal disease, either causes or cures. Understandably, the false claim could be made with impunity that circumcision prevented sexually transmitted diseases.64 These claims persisted beyond the middle of the twentieth century: Urologist A. Ravich titled his 1973 book Preventing V.D. and Cancer by Circumcision.18
Within the past decade there has been virtually no statement that circumcision prevents syphilis or gonorrhea; the present day "whipping boy" is genital herpes. Even a cursory exploration of a link between circumcision and herpes reveals that such claims are without foundation; the presence or absence of the foreskin neither aids nor deters the transmission of herpes. A definitive statement regarding this claim was made in 1979 by Y.M. Felman, director of the New York City Bureau of Venereal Disease Control: ". . . I don't believe that circumcision is of any value in preventing genital herpes, as this disease is quite common in circumcised males and their female sex partners."16
Yet in 1981, Warner and Strashin wrote: "Herpes genitalis appears to be the only sexually transmitted disease associated with circumcision status."67 Strashin defended his statement the following year.68 If circumcision prevents herpes or deters its transmission, how can we explain the phenomenal rise in the incidence of this disease to epidemic proportions, particularly among the most sexually active males, ages 15 to 25, of whom perhaps 75 percent are circumcised? Nevertheless, the 1975 American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force reported: "Adequate studies to determine the relationship between circumcision and the incidence of venereal disease have not been performed." This statement is obvious outdated.
Few diseases strike greater fear than cancer, and no site is more potentially alarming to males than the penis. It is not surprising, therefore that when newborn circumcision is presented as an absolute prophylaxis against penile carcinoma, it is a potent argument for circumcision. Wolbarst wrote in 1932: ". . . cancer of the penis does not occur in Jews circumcised in infancy. There is no case on record."73 Subsequent research indicate that there are such cases on record.4
The understatement of the incidence of penile cancer in Jews should be contrasted with the overstatement in regard to the uncircumcised people of India and China. In 1973, deKernion and colleagues wrote: ". . . the disease accounts for 12 percent of all malignancies among the Hindus of India."12 In 1977 Kaplan claimed, "In China, penile carcinoma accounts for 18 percent of all carcinomata."28 In a visit to the Peoples Republic of China (1976) and India (1982) the incidence of penile cancer was discussed with health officials. They stated that no nationwide health data was available; more specifically, no National Cancer Registries were maintained (much as they would like to do so). They remarked that no reputable scientist in their country would provide such data. Precise data on penile cancer are available from countries in which a National Cancer Registry is maintained. The United States does not maintain such a Registry, and so its data are imprecise. The data from Japan, Norway, and Sweden are compared with the United States' estimates (Table 5). The largest difference in incidence is between the United States and Sweden, three cases per million males; for death rates, the difference between the United States and Japan is one case per million males, small differences indeed. It is worthy of note that in countries in which a National Cancer Registry is maintained and precise incidence or death rates is known, routine circumcisions continues not to be practiced. There is no acceptance of the claimed epidemiologic relationship between circumcision and penile cancer.
Table 5. Penile Cancer: Comparison of Approximate Incidence and Death Rates per 100,000 Males for Selected Countries*
*Data from Cancer Deaths 1980 Ministry of Health and Welfare, Tokyo, Japan for Japan. For other countries; Wallerstein, E.: Circumcision an American Health Fallacy. New York, Springer Publications. 1980.
Country Year Incidence Death Rate
America 1972 0.8/100,000 0.3
Japan 1980 N/A 0.2
Norway 1967 1.1 N/A
Sweden 1968 1 1 N/A
It could be argued that in Japan, Norway, Sweden, high standards of hygiene are maintained. The variable in penile cancer prophylaxis may be hygiene, not retention of foreskin. This is essentially the position taken by the 1975 American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force, which denied a relationship between circumcision and prostatic cancer and stated that "non-circumcision is not of primary etiological significance" in cervical cancer.2 In regard to penile cancer, they wrote: "There is evidence that carcinoma of the penis can be prevented by neonatal circumcision. There also is evidence that optimal hygiene confers as much or nearly as much protection" (emphasis added)2 In 1981, 6 years later, Grossman and Posner took a more forthright position. Writing in Obstetrics and Gynecology, they stated: "No one today seriously promotes circumcision as a prophylactic against cancer in any form. No significant correlation between cancer and circumcision has ever been proved."22
The claim that circumcision is related to penile cancer is based upon the "fact" that smegma is a carcinogen. Smegma in infancy consists solely of desquamated epithelial cells, and in adulthood additionally of the secretions of the Tyson's glands. Many attempts have been made to prove a simple cause and effect between smegma and cancer; all failed but one. In 1947 Plaut and Kohn-Speyer "demonstrated" that smegma was a carcinogen. Of the animals examined, 27 percent of those treated with smegma developed cancer whereas 15 percent of the animals treated with cerumen developed cancer.44 Is it now possible to claim that cerumen is also a carcinogen with only one half of the carcinogeneity of smegma? This study is deficient in conceptualization, methodology, execution, gathering of data, and analysis.44 Understandably, the study has largely been ignored; however, as recently as 1981 it was accepted in one medical journal article without question.23
Penile cancer scare techniques are still with us. In 1980, Kochen and McCurdy stated that ". . . uncircumcised men are uniquely at risk . . ." They "demonstrated" that the predicted lifetime risk among uncircumcised men was one in 600.31 They did not address why 599 out of 600 at risk" males will not contract penile cancer in their lifetime. More importantly, Kochen and McCurdy based their calculations on the 1968 Stern and Lachenbruch study of one cancer detection center in Los Angeles.59 Their 1968 data are obviously skewed in age, ethnicity, religion, social class, and so forth, and are admittedly non-random. Such inadequate local data should not be extrapolated to a national statistic.
The threat of penile cancer hangs over the discussion of circumcision like some mystical demon. It deserves to be exorcised, not circumcised.
In several studies, mothers were asked why they agreed to their son's circumcision. The answer given most frequently was "hygiene."53 (In a 1981 United Nations study of female genital surgery in Africa, one reason given for such surgery was "hygiene."19 ) Why is male genital hygiene viewed with such alarm in the United States that prophylactic surgical intervention is necessary?
For over a century, and to this day, mothers have been warned that proper penile hygiene involves full retraction of the foreskin to clean the glans of smegma, and this procedure should start almost at day one. Such a task is virtually impossible, because in almost all infants the foreskin is attached firmly to the glans. Separation occurs normally within a few months or several years. Separation may be forced but this literally involves tearing the tissues apart, which is usually painful and may result in bleeding. No sane mother enjoys causing distress to her child. No wonder there is fear and reluctance about retraction of the foreskin. This has created a foreskin phobia. Forced retraction of the foreskin may lead to complications, and may well be the reason for so many postinfancy circumcisions (only in the United States).
The problem with this hygienic technique is that it is totally in error. Care of the foreskin is not exceedingly difficult; it is exceedingly simple: leave it alone. The foreskin in infancy should not be retracted. In 1977 Kaplan wrote, " . . . freeing 'adhesions is tantamount to cruel and unusual punishment and is unfounded physiologically or medically."28 Development of the foreskin and the inadvisability of forced retraction was noted by Gairdner (1949),17 Øster (1968),42 Reichelderfer and Fraga (1968),49 and others.
Many, if not most, American physicians are ignorant of proper care of the foreskin. This was demonstrated by Osborn and colleagues in 1981, who queried Utah pediatricians and found that 67 percent estimated that the foreskin should retract easily by one year.40 This is contrary to all findings of studies of the foreskin. Only 3 percent said the newborn foreskin should never be retracted. In interviewing a small sample of mothers of uncircumcised boys, Osborn and colleagues also found that retraction of the foreskin caused such anxiety that 40 percent of these mothers stated that they would have their next male infant circumcised.
The problem is not limited to Utah. In a study of physicians in the Chicago area, Patel and colleagues reported in 1982 that "only 49 percent of the physicians [in the total sample] were aware of the AAP's [American Academy of Pediatrics position."43 Among the pediatricians and obstetricians in the sample, 62 percent were aware of this position. The major reason given for recommending circumcision was "hygiene" (90 percent). In a 1982 study by Stein and colleagues conducted in San Diego, they noted, "Only 36 percent of the responding physicians were aware that the newborn's foreskin is characteristically not found retractable."58 When asked "if a nonretractable foreskin is an indication for circumcision," 47 percent of all respondents answered incorrectly. Such incorrect responses were mare likely to be given by those in family practice (50 percent), obstetrics (55 percent), and general practice (67 percent) than by those in pediatrics (13 percent). At the Spring 1983 meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics in Philadelphia, an exhibit on circumcision was conducted. The most frequently asked question related to proper care of the foreskin.
If physicians are ill-informed about care of the foreskin, how can parents be well informed? There are thousands of books, pamphlets, and articles available to parents relating to child care. Almost none devotes attention to proper care of the foreskin. Discharging a circumcised child without informing the parents of proper wound care constituted negligence. Discharging an uncircumcised child without informing the parents of proper care of the foreskin is equally negligent. Osborn and colleagues reported that the only written information they could find on the subject was this statement in a 1978 book: " . . .retract the foreskin gently and return the foreskin to its normal position to prevent constriction and swelling."8 To begin to correct this lack of information, in 1982 Wallerstein wrote a pamphlet entitled "When Your Baby Boy is Not Circumcised."66 Boyce also addressed the subject in an article entitled "Care of the Foreskin (1983).6 The American Academy of Pediatrics has issued a pamphlet entitled "Care of the Uncircumised Penis" (1984).
The issue of hygiene is obfuscated by the American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force Report in two ways. As noted earlier, the Report stated that to prevent penile cancer, "optimum hygiene was necessary. The reader, lay public or physician may ask: What constitutes "optimum hygiene? Can parents guarantee such optimum care? If not, isn't it better to play it safe and circumcise? The Report also cautions that retention of the foreskin requires "lifelong" hygiene. This statement is not incorrect; it is incomplete. All body parts require lifelong hygiene, body bathing, hair shampooing, oral hygiene, labial hygiene, and so forth. The discontinuance of any aspect of hygiene may well have deleterious effects. Why single out the foreskin?
The crux of the circumcision/hygiene rationale had its origin in the fear of the "effects" of masturbation; this may persist in attenuated form. Today, however, it is basically a lack of knowledge: the foreskin and glans in infancy are essentially fused, and should not be retracted forcibly, and smegma is not a carcinogen.
Another claimed hygienic benefit is that thousands of United States servicemen, particularly in the South Pacific required circumcision. Would it not be better to circumcise in infancy and thereby avoid the more troublesome operation in adulthood? However, Japanese soldiers were fighting in the identical environment, and the Japanese did not practice newborn circumcision. When Japanese health officials were visited by Wallerstein (1982), they stated that to the best of their knowledge, Japanese military surgeons did not find it necessary to circumcise after World War II. More to the point, in the event of thermonuclear war, the role of the foreskin will pale to insignificance.
Thus, much of the current circumcision misinformation, both lay and professional, is false and misleading. In 1971 and 1975, the American Academy of Pediatrics appeared to take definitive positions; actually they did not. The American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on the Fetus and Newborn noted in 1971 that "there are no valid medical indications for circumcision in the neonatal period."2 in 1975, the American Academy of Pediatrics Ad Hoc Task Force on Circumcision reported that there was no basis for changing this statement and concluded, "There is no absolute medical indication for routine circumcision of the newborn."2
However, as previously noted, the use of the words "optimum" and "lifelong" with regard to to penile hygiene and the stated uncertainty of a possible link between circumcision and venereal disease represented equivocation. An additional equivocation is found in the 1975 Report: "A diagnosis of phimosis cannot be made with assurance in the newborn period because the cleavage plane between the glans and the deep preputial layer of the penis is not developed at birth. There is a real need for research which will improve diagnostic accuracy in this area."2
In 1983, this statement was challenged by Thompson, who chaired the ad hoc Committee. He wrote: "One major reason used to justify neonatal circumcision - correction or prevention of phimosis has been shown to be untenable by serial studies from birth to adulthood."62 Furthermore, overwhelming epidemiologic evidence from countries that never adopted circumcision or abandoned the practice obviates the need for further study.
Thompson also provided the setting for the equivocation and the absence of a more definitive position: "The ad hoc commmittee was sharply divided in its opinions, and the resulting statement was a compromise that stated that there was no absolute medical indication for routine circumcision of the newborn.' The words absolute and routine were meant to convey a different impression from the conclusion of the AAP Committee on the Fetus and Newborn, but this has no always been the interpretation of readers."62
If the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee was sharply divided and the report subject to misinterpretation, how can physicians and parents take an unequivocal position on circumcision? They cannot. And if the position of the American Academy of Pediatrics is equivocal, the position of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists is even more so. When the American Academy of Pediatrics committees reported, the statements were published.56 The endorsements of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists were not published in their journal.64 Moreover, in 1978 Grimes raised an unanswered question: " . . . the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Inc., warns that 'physicians who assume responsibility for the health of male patients for operative or other care will not be regarded as specialists in obstetrics-gynecology . . .'"20 It is well known that obstetricians perform a large percentage of circumcisions.
The acceptance of circumcision was noted by Herrera is 1983, who reported on a nationwide survey of 400 pediatricians and obstetricians; 50 percent believed circumcision indicated in the newborn, 33 percent opposed, and 17 percent were undecided.26 As to advice to parents, there was acquiescence; 15 percent encouraged it, 19 percent discouraged it, and 66 percent remained neutral. "This is one reason why nearly every male neonate is circumcised," Herrera wrote.26
Ambivalence on the part of physicians about circumcision was illustrated in one study by a Canadian hospital in 1983 where there were two patients with a serious complication of circumcision, denuding of the penile shaft that required plastic surgery. A formal proposal to suspend neonatal circumcisions was made but rejected because of anticipated adverse community reaction. However, the circumcision rate in that hospital dropped from about 40 to 20 percent as a result of the mishaps.61
Judging from the record, American medical professionals are not truly opposed to circumcision; they perform about 1.25 million annually. Some continue to insist that there are health benefits. Some physicians place the responsibility on the parents. In 1983 Maisels and colleagues wrote, "If circumcision practices are ever to be changed, such changes will likely result from organized advocacy of lay groups . . . rather than from the efforts of the medical profession."34 However when physicians demonstrated that routine tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy were unwise, the rate dropped. No amount of parental pressure would cause an ethical physician to perform such an operation if it were unnecessary.
Some charge venality, possibly true for some physicians, but not for all, and impossible to document. Some of the highest circumcision rates are to be found in military hospitals, where the doctors are salaried. Contrast this with the abandonment of routine tonsillectomy; some physicians had reduced revenues, but no one clamored for the reinstatement of the procedure to refill the coffers. Venality may not be dismissed entirely; in private practice, circumcision results in a fee, and there is loss of time convincing parents not to have their sons circumcised.
Then there is the Jewish question. Some non-Jewish physicians may be hesitant to question routine "health" circumcision in the mistaken belief that this stance may offend Jews. However, according to Jewish theologians, the Jewish ritual has nothing to do with health.64 Obversely, occasional private comments suggest that Jews are responsible for nonreligious circumcision. This is a canard.
The "enigma" lies in the United States medical profession's apparent inability to come to grips with the simple fact that there are no demonstrable health benefits of circumcision, and there are risks. (Space limitations preclude delineation.) It should also be noted that the foreskin is useful erogenous, and protective tissue. Smegma, both clitoral and penile, is beneficial, not detrimental. Meatitis is not uncommon in circumcised males; rare in the uncircumcised. Moreover, the penis is the only organ subjected to routine prophylactic surgery.
One explanation for holding to outmoded views was provided by a medical professor who told his students, "It takes less than five minutes to print an article in a medical journal and 50 years to erase it." In 1979 Colletti approximated this estimate. He noted that efforts to reverse current circumcision practice "will need at least a generation of widespread education, coaxing, and encouragement to succeed."10 Warner and Strashin are even more pessimistic, based upon an erroneous premise: "As for the likelihood of a successful hygiene education program we can only point to our own profession's impotence in combating smoking and obesity."68 This approach overlooks the fact that hundreds of millions of dollars are expended annually to promote smoking and food intake. No such effort on behalf of circumcision exists.
As scientific evidence mounted to dispute each of Remondino's exaggerated claims, physicians clutched at straws to retain at least one "health" benefit. Now that all such claims have been refuted, circumcision today has become cultural surgery, not very different from ear- and nose-piercing and tattooing. The extreme to which such cultural surgery is carried may be found in the 1983 warning given by the British Social Service Secretary to Harley Street surgeons who charged up to $1500 for a clitoridectomy performed on young girls from Africa, where such surgery is traditional.69 More serious examples were found in France in 1982.52
The medical profession was successful in eliminating routine tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy. This is precisely what is needed for routine circumcision. It is necessary to overcome ignorance and the emotional superstructure surrounding the penis, not very different from ancient (and present phallic worship. It is necessary to accept scientific facts; it is necessary to discard myths about circumcision: the foreskin causes premature ejaculation, it keeps the penis from growing, some disaster will befall the uncircumcised child, the uncovered glans is more esthetically pleasing (that is the foreskin is ugly). The special myth that the boy's penis must be identical to his father's ignores the historic truth that no objection was raised, and no problem arose when circumcising millions of boys whose fathers were uncircumcised.
To resolve the problem, the positions of the American Academy of Pediatrics and American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists should become definitive statements that circumcision is unnecessary surgery, not to be undertaken except in rare medical circumstances. Endorsements of this position should be obtained from all relevant medical groups. This information should be disseminated to the entire medical profession, to all hospitals, nurses and nursing associations, childbirth educators, and most certainly to parents via the popular press. Meetings professional and lay persons should be called on local, state and national levels to discuss circumcision. With such an approach, routine newborn nonreligious circumcision will soon pass from the scene to join blood-letting and cupping in medical history.
As Prucha observed in 1980, "The history of these few millimeters of skin is utterly fascinating."47
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Mega eTextbooks release thread (part-29)! Find your textbooks here between $5-$25 :)

Please find the list below:
  1. Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual: Making Connections, 2nd Edition: Catharine C. Whiting
  2. Quality and Safety in Nursing: A Competency Approach to Improving Outcomes, 2nd Edition: Gwen Sherwood & Jane Barnsteiner
  3. Public / Community Health and Nursing Practice: Caring for Populations, 2nd Edition: Christine L. Savage
  4. The Ethical Life: Fundamental Readings in Ethics and Contemporary Moral Problems, 4th Edition: Russ Shafer-Landau
  5. Bailey & Love's Short Practice of Surgery, 27th Edition: Norman S. Williams & P. Ronan O'Connell & Andrew McCaskie
  6. Sabiston Textbook of Surgery: The Biological Basis of Modern Surgical Practice, 20th Edition: Courtney M. Townsend & R. Daniel Beauchamp & B. Mark Evers & Kenneth L. Mattox & Courtney M. Townsend & R. Daniel Beauchamp & B. Mark Evers
  7. Shackelford's Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, 7th Edition: Charles J. Yeo & David W McFadden & John H. Pemberton & Jeffrey H. Peters & Jeffrey B. Matthews
  8. Equine Veterinary Nursing, 2nd Edition: Karen Coumbe
  9. West's Respiratory Physiology: The Essentials, 10th Edition: John B. West & Andrew M. Luks
  10. A Manager's Guide to Financial Analysis: Powerful Tools for Analyzing the Numbers and Making the Best Decisions for Your Business: Eliot H. Sherman
  11. The Wiley International Handbook of History Teaching and Learning, 1st Edition: Scott Alan Metzger & Lauren McArthur Harris
  12. Differential Diagnoses in Surgical Pathology: Genitourinary System, 1st Edition: Jonathan I. Epstein & George J. Netto
  13. Lab Manual and Workbook in Microbiology: Applications to Patient Care, 12th Edition: Josephine Morello & Paul Granato & Verna Morton
  14. Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain, Enhanced Edition, 4th Edition: Mark Bear & Barry Connors & Michael A. Paradiso
  15. Above the Fold: Understanding the Principles of Successful Web Site Design, Revised Edition, Brian D Miller
  16. Essentials of Clinical Radiation Oncology, 1st Edition: Matthew C. Ward & Rahul D. Tendulkar & Gregory M. M. Videtic
  17. Introductory Chemistry, 5th Edition: Nivaldo J. Tro
  18. Principles of Microeconomics, 12th Edition, Global Edition: Karl E. Case & Ray C. Fair & Sharon E. Oster
  19. Mosby's Diagnostic and Laboratory Test Reference, 14th Edition: Kathleen Deska Pagana & Timothy J. Pagana & Theresa N Pagana
  20. Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology, 13th Edition: John E. Hall
  21. The Bacteria Book: The Big World of Really Tiny Microbes: Steve Mould
  22. Stroke: Practical Management, 4th Edition: Charles P. Warlow & Jan van Gijn & Martin S. Dennis & Joanna M. Wardlaw & John M. Bamford
  23. Pulmonary Embolism, 3rd Edition: Paul D. Stein
  24. Making the Team: A Guide for Managers, 6th Edition: Leigh Thompson
  25. Chemistry & Chemical Reactivity, 10th Edition: John C. Kotz & Paul M. Treichel & John Townsend & David Treichel
  26. Diagnostic Imaging: Brain, 3rd Edition: Anne G. Osborn & Karen L. Salzman & Miral D. Jhaveri & A. James Barkovich
  27. C++ Programming: Program Design Including Data Structures, 8th Edition: D. S. Malik
  28. Chemistry & Chemical Reactivity, 9th Edition: John C. Kotz & Paul M. Treichel & John Townsend & David Treichel
  29. Racial Formation in the United States, 3rd Edition: Michael Omi
  30. Ethics and Politics in School Leadership: Finding Common Ground: Jeffrey Brierton & Brenda Graham & Daniel R. Tomal & Robert K. Wilhite
  31. Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: Concepts and Applications, 4th Edition: Malcolm Rowland & Thomas N. Tozer
  32. Political Contexts of Educational Leadership: ISLLC Standard Six, 1st Edition: Jane Lindle
  33. Psychology in Action, 12th Edition: Karen Huffman & Katherine Dowdell & Catherine A. Sanderson
  34. Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications, 4th Edition: Yunus Cengel & John Cimbala
  35. BRS Physiology, 7th Edition: Linda S. Costanzo
  36. Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis, 5th Edition: Roxy Peck & Chris Olsen & Jay L. Devore
  37. Principles of Microeconomics: An Integrative Approach, 1st Edition: Martin Kolmar
  38. Feigin and Cherry's Textbook of Pediatric Infectious Diseases: Volume 1, 8th Edition: James Cherry & Gail J. Demmler-Harrison & Sheldon L. Kaplan & William J. Steinbach & Peter J Hotez
  39. Social Problems in a Diverse Society, 6th Edition: Diana Kendall
  40. Statistics: The Art and Science of Learning from Data, 4th Edition, Global Edition: Alan Agresti & Christine A. Franklin & Bernhard Klingenberg
  41. BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Fracture Repair and Management, 2nd Edition: Toby Gemmill & Dylan Clements
  42. The McGraw-Hill Guide: Writing for College, Writing for Life, 4th Edition: Duane Roen & Gregory Glau & Barry Maid
  43. Texas Politics Today 2017-2018 Edition, 18th Edition: Jones & William Earl Maxwell & Ernest Crain & Morhea Lynn Davis & Christopher Wlezein
  44. Ethics: Theory and Contemporary Issues, 9th Edition: Barbara MacKinnon & Andrew Fiala
  45. Fisiologia Humana: Uma Abordagem Integrada, 7th Edition: Dee Unglaub Silverthorn
  46. C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design, 8th Edition: D. S. Malik
  47. Development Across the Life Span, Global Edition, 8th Edition: Robert S Feldman
  48. Introduction to Comparative Politics: Political Challenges and Changing Agendas, 8th Edition: Mark Kesselman & Joel Krieger & William A. Joseph
  49. Introductory Chemistry: An Active Learning Approach, 6th Edition: Mark S. Cracolice & Edward I. Peters
  50. The Oxford Handbook of Disability History: Michael Rembis & Catherine J. Kudlick & Kim Nielsen
  51. Joint Action: Essays in honour of John Shotter, 1st Edition: Tim Corcoran & John Cromby
  52. Calculus, 8th Edition: James Stewart
  53. Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, Global Edition, 7th Edition: Keith Ross & James Kurose
  54. Exploring Microeconomics, 4th Canadian Edition: Robert Sexton & Peter Fortura & Colin Kovacs
  55. Business Law Today, Comprehensive: Text and Cases: Diverse, Ethical, Online, and Global Environment, 10th Edition: Roger LeRoy Miller
  56. Organic Chemistry, 9th Edition: John E. McMurry
  57. Framework for Marketing Management, 6th Edition: Philip Kotler & Kevin Lane Keller
  58. Statistics and Data Analysis for Nursing Research, 2nd Edition, New International Edition: Denise F. Polit
  59. Abnormal Psychology: Perspectives, 6th Edition: David J.A. Dozois
  60. Business Law: Text and Cases, 14th Edition: Kenneth W. Clarkson & Roger LeRoy Miller & Frank B. Cross
  61. Biology: A Global Approach, Global Edition, 11th Edition: Neil A. Campbell & Lisa A. Urry & Michael L. Cain & Steven A. Wasserman & Peter V. Minorsky
  62. Biology, 11th Edition: Eldra Solomon & Charles Martin & Diana W. Martin & Linda R. Berg
  63. Macroeconomics, 6th Edition: Stephen D. Williamson
  64. Macroeconomics, 5th Edition: Stephen D. Williamson
  65. Signs of Life in the USA: Readings on Popular Culture for Writers, 8th Edition: Sonia Maasik & Jack Solomon
  66. Introduction to Nursing Informatics, 4th Edition: Kathryn J. Hannah & Pamela Hussey & Margaret A. Kennedy & Marion J. Ball
  67. An Introduction to Genetic Analysis, 11th Edition: Anthony J. F. Griffiths & Susan R. Wessler & Sean B. Carroll & John Doebley
  68. Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism, 7th Edition: Sareen S. Gropper & Jack L. Smith & Timothy P. Carr
  69. Kuby Immunology, 8th Edition: Jenni Punt & Sharon Stranford & Patricia Jones & Judy Owen
  70. Human Development: A Cultural Approach, 2nd Edition: Jeffrey Jensen Arnett
  71. Handbook of Multicultural Counseling, 4th Edition: J. Manuel Casas & Lisa A. Suzuki & Charlene M. Alexander & Margo A Jackson
  72. Functional Assessment and Program Development for Problem Behavior: A Practical Handbook, 3rd Edition: Robert E. O'Neill & Richard W. Albin & Keith Storey & Robert H. Horner & Jeffrey R. Sprague
  73. College Algebra, 10th Edition: Michael Sullivan
  74. Good Reasons: Researching and Writing Effective Arguments, 7th Edition: Lester Faigley & Jack Selzer
  75. Essentials of Pediatric Nursing, 2nd Edition: Theresa Kyle
  76. Experiencing MIS, 7th Edition, Global Edition: David M. Kroenke & Randall J. Boyle
  77. Money, Banking, and the Financial System, 3rd Edition: R. Glenn Hubbard & Anthony Patrick O'Brien
  78. Classics of Public Administration, 8th Edition: Jay M. Shafritz & Albert C. Hyde
  79. Harrison's Hematology and Oncology, 3rd Edition: Dan Longo
  80. Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, 2nd Edition: Gregory J. Privitera
  81. Mechanics of Materials, 7th Edition in SI Units: Ferdinand P. Beer & E. Russell Johnston & John T. DeWolf & David F. Mazurek
  82. Statics and Mechanics of Materials, 2nd Edition: Ferdinand Beer & E. Johnston & John DeWolf & David Mazurek
  83. Principle Highway Engineer, 5th Edition: John Wiley & Sons
  84. Java in Two Semesters: Featuring JavaFX, 4th Edition: Quentin Charatan & Aaron Kans
  85. Complete Business Statistics, 7th Edition: Amir D. Aczel
  86. Statistics: Learning from Data, 2nd Edition: Roxy Peck & Tom Short
  87. College Mathematics for Business, Economics, Life Sciences, and Social Sciences, 13th Edition, Global Edition: Raymond A. Barnett & Michael R. Ziegler & Karl E. Byleen
  88. Merenstein & Gardner's Handbook of Neonatal Intensive Care, 8th Edition: Sandra Lee Gardner & Brian S. Carter & Mary I Enzman-Hines & Jacinto A. Hernandez
  89. Excellence in Business Communication, 10th Edition: John V. Thill & Courtland L. Bovee
  90. The Oxford Handbook of Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe and Colonial America, 1st Edition: Brian P. Levack
  91. Business Statistics, 3rd Edition, Global Edition: Norean R. Sharpe & Richard D. De Veaux & Paul F. Velleman
  92. Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, 8th Edition: Kenneth Rosen
  93. Excel 2016 for Business Statistics: A Guide to Solving Practical Problems, 1st Edition: Thomas J. Quirk
  94. Practical Business Statistics, 7th Edition: Andrew Siegel
  95. The Science of Nutrition, 4th Edition: Janice J. Thompson & Melinda Manore & Linda Vaughan
  96. A Concise Guide to Market Research: The Process, Data, and Methods Using IBM SPSS Statistics, 2nd Edition: Marko Sarstedt & Erik Mooi
  97. Forensic Plant Science, 1st Edition: Jane H Bock & David O. Norris
  98. Intro Stats, 5th Edition: Richard D. De Veaux & Paul F. Velleman & David E. Bock
  99. Understanding Nutrition: Dietary Guidelines Update, 14th Edition: Ellie Whitney & Sharon Rady Rolfes
  100. Frank Wood's Business Accounting, 13th Edition: Alan Sangster & Frank Wood
  101. Nutrition for Health and Health Care, 5th Edition: Linda Kelly DeBruyne & Kathryn Pinna
  102. Prebles' Artforms, 11th Edition: Duane Preble Emeritus & Sarah Preble & Patrick L. Frank
  103. Strategies for Technical Communication in the Workplace, 3rd Edition: Laura J. Gurak & John M. Lannon
  104. Technical Communication with 2016 MLA Update, 11th Edition: Mike Markel
  105. Advanced Accounting, 12th Edition: Paul M. Fischer & William J. Tayler & Rita H. Cheng
  106. International Relations, Brief Edition, 7th Edition: Jon C. W. Pevehouse & Joshua S. Goldstein
  107. Technical Communication: Principles and Practice, 3rd Edition: Meenakshi Raman & Sangeeta Sharma
  108. Pharmacotherapeutics For Advanced Practice Nurse Prescribers, 4th Edition: Teri Moser Woo & Marylou V Robinson
  109. Social Psychology, 10th Edition: Elliot Aronson & Timothy D. Wilson & Robin M. Akert & Samuel R. Sommers
  110. Mastering Technical Communication Skills: A Student's Handbook, 1st Edition: Peter Wide
  111. Calculus: Graphical, Numerical, Algebraic, 4th Edition: Ross L. Finney & Franklin D. Demana & Bert K. Waits & Daniel Kennedy
  112. Technical Communication, MLA Update, 14th Edition: John M. Lannon & Laura J. Gurak
  113. Therapeutic Gastrointestinal Endoscopy: A Comprehensive Atlas, 2nd Edition: Hoon Jai Chun & Suk-Kyun Yang & Myung-Gyu Choi
  114. Corporate Financial Reporting and Analysis: A Global Perspective, 4th Edition: S. David Young & Jacob Cohen & Daniel A. Bens
  115. Clinical Gastrointestinal Endoscopy: A Comprehensive Atlas, 2nd Edition: Hoon Jai Chun & Suk-Kyun Yang & Myung-Gyu Choi
  116. Scientific Examination of Documents: Methods and Techniques, 4th Edition: David Ellen & Stephen Day & Christopher Davies
  117. Nature, Artforms, and the World Around Us: An Introduction to the Regions of Aesthetic Experience, 1st Edition: Robert E. Wood
  118. M: Management, 5th Edition: Thomas Bateman & Scott Snell & Robert Konopaske
  119. Essentials of Strategic Management: The Quest for Competitive Advantage, 4th Edition: John Gamble & Arthur Thompson & Margaret Peteraf
  120. Marketing: An Introduction, 6th Canadian Edition: Gary Armstrong & Philip Kotler & Valerie Trifts & Lilly Anne Buchwitz
  121. Applied Behavior Analysis, 3rd Edition: John O. Cooper & Timothy E. Heron & William L. Heward
  122. Darby and Walsh Dental Hygiene: Theory and Practice, 5th Edition: Denise M. Bowen & Jennifer A Pieren
  123. Principles of Marketing, 7th European Edition: Philip Kotler & Gary Armstrong & Lloyd C. Harris & Nigel Piercy
  124. Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC), 7th Edition: Howard K. Butcher & Gloria M. Bulechek & Joanne M. McCloskey Dochterman & Cheryl M. Wagner
  125. Marketing Management, 15th Edition, Global Edition: Philip Kotler & Kevin Lane Keller
  126. The Insects: Structure and Function, 5th Edition: R. F. Chapman & Stephen J. Simpson & Angela E. Douglas
  127. International Relations, 2013-2014 Update, 10th Edition: Joshua S. Goldstein & Jon C. Pevehouse
  128. Human Biology, 14 Edition: Sylvia Mader & Michael Windelspecht
  129. Litt's Drug Eruption & Reaction Manual, 25th Edition: Neil Shear
  130. Precalculus: Graphical, Numerical, Algebraic, 8th Edition: Franklin D. Demana & Bert K. Waits & Gregory D. Foley & Daniel Kennedy
  131. Financial Management: Theory & Practice, 15th Edition: Eugene F. Brigham & Michael C. Ehrhardt
  132. Advanced Financial Accounting, 7th Edition: Thomas H. Beechy & V. Umashanker Trivedi & Kenneth E. MacAulay
  133. Basics of Engineering Economy, 2nd Edition: Leland Blank & Anthony Tarquin
  134. Microbiology Fundamentals: A Clinical Approach, 2nd Edition: Marjorie Kelly Cowan & Jennifer Bunn
  135. Corporate Finance: Principles & Practice, 7th Edition: Denzil Watson
  136. Operating System Concepts, 10th Edition: Abraham Silberschatz & Greg Gagne & Peter B. Galvin
  137. Linux with Operating System Concepts, 1st Edition: Richard Fox
  138. Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning, 6th Edition: Graham Hooley & Nigel Piercy & Brigitte Nicoulaud & John Rudd
  139. Abnormal Psychology, 8th Edition, Global Edition: Thomas F. Oltmanns & Robert E. Emery
  140. Krugman's Economics for AP®, 2nd Edition: David A. Anderson
  141. Using IBM® SPSS® Statistics for Research Methods and Social Science Statistics, 7th Edition: William E. Wagner
  142. Sleisenger and Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease Review and Assessment, 10th Edition: Emad Qayed & Nikrad Shahnavaz
  143. Maternal Child Nursing Care, 5th Edition, Study Guide: Shannon E. Perry & Marilyn J. Hockenberry & Deitra Leonard Lowdermilk & David Wilson
  144. Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory, 3rd Edition: Peter Barry
  145. Crime Scene Investigation and Reconstruction, 4th Edition: Robert R. Ogle & Sharon Plotkin
  146. Snapshots of Hemodynamics: An Aid for Clinical Research and Graduate Education, 3rd Edition: Nicolaas Westerhof & Nikolaos Stergiopulos & Mark I.M. Noble & Berend E. Westerhof
  147. Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to Algorithms, 1st Edition: Shai Shalev-Shwartz & Shai Ben-David
  148. Movement Disorders (What Do I Do Now? ), 1st Edition: Richard A. Walsh & Robertus M.A. De Bie & Susan H. Fox
  149. Internet Infrastructure: Networking, Web Services, and Cloud Computing, 1st Edition: Richard Fox & Wei Hao
  150. Information Technology: An Introduction for Today’s Digital World, 1st Edition: Richard Fox
  151. Abnormal Psychology, 8th Edition: Thomas F. Oltmanns & Robert E. Emery
  152. Evidence-based Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 4th Edition: John W. D. McDonald & Brian G. Feagan & Rajiv Jalan & Peter J. Kahrilas
  153. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures in Gastroenterology: An Illustrated Guide, 2nd Edition: Subbaramiah Sridhar & George Y. Wu
  154. Walker's Pediatric Gastrointestinal Disease: Pathology, Diagnosis, Management, 6th Edition: Ronald E. Kleinman & Olivier-Jean Goulet & Giorgina Mieli-Vergani & Ian R. Sanderson & Philip M. Sherman
  155. Pediatric Neurogastroenterology: Gastrointestinal Motility and Functional Disorders in Children, 2nd Edition: Christophe Faure & Nikhil Thapar & Carlo Di Lorenzo
  156. Wong's Essentials of Pediatric Nursing, 10th Edition: David Wilson & Cheryl C Rodgers & Marilyn J. Hockenberry
  157. Criminalistics: An Introduction to Forensic Science, 11th Edition: Richard Saferstein
  158. Criminalistics: An Introduction to Forensic Science, 11th Edition, Global Edition: Richard Saferstein
  159. Maternal Child Nursing Care, 5th Edition: Shannon E. Perry & Marilyn J. Hockenberry & Deitra Leonard Lowdermilk & David Wilson
  160. Research Methods in Psychology: Evaluating a World of Information, 3rd Edition: Beth Morling
  161. Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology, 6th Edition: Hugh Coolican
  162. Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods in Psychology, 3rd Edition: Dennis Howitt
  163. Research Methods in Psychology, 5th Edition: Dennis Howitt & Duncan Cramer
  164. Advanced Research Methods for Applied Psychology: Design, Analysis and Reporting, 1st Edition: Paula Brough
  165. Research Methods in Clinical Psychology: An Introduction for Students and Practitioners, 3rd Edition: Chris Barker & Nancy Pistrang & Robert Elliott
  166. Learning Python Application Development, 1st Edition: Ninad Sathaye
  167. Biology: The Dynamic Science, 4th Edition: Peter J. Russell & Paul E. Hertz & Beverly McMillan
  168. Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, 10th Edition: Frederick J Gravetter & Larry B. Wallnau
  169. The American Cancer Society's Oncology in Practice: Clinical Management, 1st Edition: The American Cancer Society
  170. iGenetics: A Molecular Approach, 3rd Edition: Peter J. Russell
  171. Uterine Cancer: Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment, 2nd Edition: Franco Muggia & Alessandro D. Santin & Esther Oliva
  172. DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg's Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology, 4th Edition: Ramaswamy Govindan & Daniel Morgensztern & Ramaswamy Govindan
  173. Principles of General Chemistry, 3rd Edition: Martin Silberberg
  174. Psycho-Oncology: A Quick Reference on the Psychosocial Dimensions of Cancer Symptom Management, 2nd Edition: Jimmie C. Holland & Mitch Golant & Donna B. Greenberg & Mary K. Hughes & Jon A. Levenson
  175. Laboratory Manual for Principles of General Chemistry, 10th Edition: Jo Allan Beran
  176. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 3rd Edition: Stuart Russell & Peter Norvig
  177. Human Biology, 11th Edition: Cecie Starr & Beverly McMillan
  178. Biology: Concepts and Applications without Physiology, 8th Edition: Cecie Starr & Christine Evers & Lisa Starr
  179. Nanostructured Materials for Type III Photovoltaics, 1st Edition: Peter Skabara & Mohammad Azad Malik
  180. Managing COPD, 3rd Edition: Richard EK Russell & Paul A Ford & Peter J. Barnes & Sarah Russell
  181. Mechanical and Electrical Systems in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, 5th Edition: Frank R. Dagostino & Joseph B. Wujek
  182. Cancer in Adolescents and Young Adults, 2nd Edition: Archie Bleyer & Ronald Barr & Lynn Ries & Jeremy Whelan & Andrea Ferrari
  183. Biology Today and Tomorrow with Physiology, 4th Edition: Cecie Starr & Christine Evers
  184. College Physics: A Strategic Approach, 3rd Edition: Randall D. Knight & Brian Jones & Stuart Field
  185. Ferri's Clinical Advisor 2019: 1st Edition: Fred F. Ferri
  186. Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers, 8th Edition: James F. Shackelford
  187. PsychNotes, Clinical Pocket Guide, 5th edition: Darlene D. Pedersen
  188. Essentials of Epidemiology in Public Health, 4th Edition: Ann Aschengrau & George R. Seage
  189. Organic Chemistry with Biological Applications, 3rd Edition: John E. McMurry
  190. Introduction to Java Programming and Data Structures, Comprehensive Version, 12th Edition: Y. Daniel Liang
  191. Introduction to Java Programming and Data Structures, Comprehensive Version, 11th Edition, Global Edition: Y. Daniel Liang
  192. Intermediate Accounting, 9th Edition: David Spiceland & Mark Nelson & Wayne Thomas
  193. Precalculus, 6th Edition: Robert F. Blitzer
  194. System Engineering Analysis, Design, and Development: Concepts, Principles, and Practices, 2nd Edition: Charles S. Wasson
  195. Brock Biology of Microorganisms, 15th Edition, Global Edition: Michael T. Madigan & Kelly S. Bender & Daniel H. Buckley & W. Matthew Sattley & David A. Stahl
  196. Advanced Computer Science: For the IB Diploma Program: Kostas Dimitriou & Markos Hatzitaskos
  197. Principles of Cancer Biology, 1st Edition, Pearson New International Edition: Lewis J. Kleinsmith
  198. Model-Based System Architecture, 1st Edition: Tim Weilkiens & Jesko G. Lamm & Stephan Roth & Markus Walker
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  200. Understanding Pathophysiology, 6th Edition: Sue E. Huether & Kathryn L. McCance
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  202. Matter and Interactions, 4th Edition: Ruth W. Chabay & Bruce A. Sherwood
  203. Thinking Geometrically: A Survey of Geometries: Thomas Q. Sibley
  204. How the Immune System Works, 6th Edition: Lauren M. Sompayrac
  205. International Business, 1st Edition: Michael Geringer & Jeanne McNett & Michael Minor & Donald Ball
  206. Educating Physical Therapists, 1st Edition: Gail Jensen
  207. Principles of Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, 10th Edition: Jay Heizer & Barry Render & Chuck Munson
  208. An Introduction to Microwave Imaging for Breast Cancer Detection: Raquel Cruz Conceição & Johan Jacob Mohr & Martin O'Halloran
  209. Physics of PET and SPECT Imaging, 1st Edition: Magnus Dahlbom
  210. Microeconomics, 2nd Canadian Edition: R Glenn Hubbard & Anthony Patrick O’Brien & Apostolos Serletis & Jason Childs
  211. An Introduction to Religion and Politics: Theory and Practice, 2nd Edition: Jonathan Fox
  212. Data Abstraction & Problem Solving with C++: Walls and Mirrors, 6th Edition, International Edition: Frank M. Carrano & Timothy M. Henry
  213. Developing Masterful Management Skills for International Business, 1st Edition: Thomas A. Cook
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  215. C How to Program, 8th Edition: Paul J. Deitel & Harvey Deitel
  216. Intimate Personal Violence in Canada, 1st Edition: Anastasia Bake
  217. Understanding Social Inequality: Intersections of Class, Age, Gender, Ethnicity, and Race in Canada, 3rd Edition: Julie McMullin
  218. Calculus and Its Applications, 2nd Edition: Marvin L. Bittinger & David J. Ellenbogen & Scott A. Surgent & Gene Kramer
  219. Handbook of X-ray Imaging: Physics and Technology, 1st Edition: Paolo Russo
  220. Data Abstraction & Problem Solving with C++: Walls and Mirrors, 6th Edition: Frank M. Carrano & Timothy M. Henry
  221. Essentials of Geology, 4th Edition: Stephen Marshak
  222. Concepts of Database Management, 9th Edition: Joy L. Starks & Philip J. Pratt & Mary Z. Last
  223. Mechanical Behavior and Fracture of Engineering Materials, 1st Edition: Jorge Luis González-Velázquez
  224. Dyke Swarms of the World: A Modern Perspective, 1st Edition: Rajesh K. Srivastava & Richard E. Ernst & Peng Peng
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  226. Teaching Methodologies in Structural Geology and Tectonics, 1st Edition: Soumyajit Mukherjee
  227. Nakama 2: Japanese Communication, Culture, Context, 3rd Edition: Yukiko Abe Hatasa & Kazumi Hatasa & Seiichi Makino
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  233. School Psychology: Professional Issues and Practices, 1st Edition: Sally L. Grapin & John H. Kranzler
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  235. Mechanics of Machines, 2nd Edition: William Cleghorn & Nikolai Dechev
  236. Gendered Voices, Feminist Visions: Classic and Contemporary Readings, 7th Edition: Susan M. Shaw & Janet Lee
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  238. Canadian Families Today: New Perspectives, 4th Edition: Patrizia Albanese
  239. Introduction to Politics: 2nd Canadian Edition: Robert Garner & Stephanie Lawson & Peter Ferdinand & David Bruce MacDonald
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  243. Abnormal Psychology and Life: A Dimensional Approach, 3rd Edition: Chris Kearney & Timothy J. Trull
  244. Laboratory Manual for Introductory Geology: Bradley Deline & Randa Harris & Karen Tefend
  245. Essentials of Economics, 10th Edition: Bradley Schiller & Karen Gebhardt
  246. What is Life? A Guide to Biology, 3rd Edition: Jay Phelan
  247. Macroeconomics, 15th Canadian Edition: Christopher T.S. Ragan
  248. Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python 3, 3rd Edition: Jaan Kiusalaas
  249. Circular Entrepreneurship: Creating Responsible Enterprise, 1st Edition: Antonella Zucchella & Sabine Urban
  250. Unification and Supersymmetry: The Frontiers of Quark-Lepton Physics, 3rd Edition: Rabindra N. Mohapatra
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  254. Sport Entrepreneurship and Public Policy: Building a New Approach to Policy-making for Sport, 1st Edition: Vanessa Ratten
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  256. Structural Dynamics: Theory and Computation, 6th Edition: Mario Paz & Young Hoon Kim
  257. Special Topics in Structural Dynamics & Experimental Techniques, Volume 5: Proceedings of the 37th IMAC, 1st Edition: Nikolaos Dervilis
  258. Structural Dynamics with Applications in Earthquake and Wind Engineering, 2nd Edition: Konstantin Meskouris & Christoph Butenweg & Klaus-G. Hinzen & Rüdiger Höffer
  259. Structural Dynamics: Concepts and Applications, 1st Edition: Henry R. Busby & George H. Staab
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  261. The Mind's Machine: Foundations of Brain and Behavior, 2nd Edition: Neil V. Watson & S. Marc Breedlove
  262. Foundation Design: Principles and Practices, 3rd Edition: Donald P. Coduto & William A. Kitch & Man-chu Ronald Yeung
  263. Psychology, Australian and New Zealand Hybrid, 5th Edition: Lorelle J. Burton & Drew Westen & Robin M. Kowalski
  264. Empowerment Series: Direct Social Work Practice: Theory and Skills, 10th Edition: Dean H. Hepworth & Ronald H. Rooney & Glenda Dewberry Rooney & Kim Strom-Gottfried
  265. Abnormal Psychology in a Changing World, 10th Edition: Jeffrey S. Nevid & Spencer A. Rathus & Beverly Greene
  266. Essential Pharmaceutics, 1st Edition: Ashlee D. Brunaugh & Hugh D. C. Smyth & Robert O. Williams III
  267. Ethical Issues in Social Work Practice, 1st Edition: Antonio Sandu & Ana Frunza
  268. Advances in Psychology and Law: Volume 4, 1st Edition: Brian H. Bornstein & Monica K. Miller
  269. Campbell Essential Biology, 6th Edition, Global Edition: Eric J. Simon & Jean L. Dickey & Jane B. Reece & Kelly A. Hogan
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  271. A Companion to the Ancient Near East, 2nd Edition: Daniel C. Snell
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  274. Strategic Human Resource Planning for Academic Libraries: Information, Technology and Organization, 1st Edition: Michael A. Crumpton
  275. Test Success Test-Taking Techniques for Beginning Nursing Students, 8th Edition: Patricia M Nugent & Barbara A Vitale
  276. Zoology: The Secret World of Animals: DK Smithsonian Institution
  277. Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Social Work, 2012th Edition: James W. Drisko & Melissa D Grady
  278. Pandemics, Publics, and Narrative: Mark Davis & Davina Lohm
  279. A+ Guide to IT Technical Support, 9th Edition: Jean Andrews
  280. Personality Disorders: Elements, History, Examples, and Research: Vera Maass
  281. Progress in Materials Science and Engineering, 1st Edition: Carlos Brebbia & Jerome J. Connor
  282. Neoliberal Psychology, 1st Edition: Carl Ratner
  283. International Human Rights and Counter-Terrorism, 1st Edition: Eran Shor & Stephen Hoadley
  284. Fluid Mechanics, 8th Edition in SI Unit: Frank M. White
  285. Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems: with MATLAB Applications, 3rd Edition: Yogesh Jaluria
  286. Computer and Cyber ​​Security: Principles, Algorithm, Applications, and Perspectives, 1st Edition: Brij B. Gupta
  287. Fit To Be Well, 5th Edition: Alton L. Thygerson & Steven M. Thygerson
  288. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association: 7th Edition: American Psychological Association
  289. Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Conditions: A Comprehensive Guide to Clinical Management, 4th Edition: Ann W. Kummer
  290. Davis's Comprehensive Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests with Nursing Implications, 8th Edition: Anne M Van Leeuwen & Mickey L Bladh
  291. Law and Language in the Middle Ages: Matthew W. McHaffie
  292. Health Communication: Strategies and Skills for a New Era, 1st Edition: Claudia Parvanta & Sarah Bass
  293. Berkowitz's Pediatrics: A Primary Care Approach, 5th Edition: Carol D. Berkowitz
  294. Brain & Behavior: An Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience, 5th Edition: Bob Garrett & Gerald Hough
  295. Essentials of Investments, 10th Edition: Zvi Bodie & Alex Kane & Alan Marcus
  296. The Legal Mind: A New Introduction to Legal Epistemology: Bartosz Brożek
  297. Cardiovascular Physiology: A Text and E-Resource for Active Learning, 1st Edition: Burt B. Hamrell
  298. Evolutionary Psychology: The New Science of the Mind, 5th Edition: David Buss
  299. Economics: Principles, Problems, & Policies, 20th Edition: Campbell R. McConnell & Stanley L. Brue & Sean Masaki Flynn
  300. Campbell Essential Biology, 7th Edition: Eric J. Simon & Jean L. Dickey & Jane B. Reece
  301. ECON MACRO, 5th Edition: William A. McEachern
  302. BUSN: Introduction to Business, 10th Edition: Marcella Kelly & Chuck Williams
  303. AutoCAD 2017 and AutoCAD LT 2017: Essentials, 1st Edition: Scott Onstott
  304. Prealgebra, 7th Edition: Marvin L. Bittinger & David J. Ellenbogen & Barbara L. Johnson
  305. Microeconomics, 16th Canadian Edition: Christopher T.S. Ragan
  306. Intimate Relationships: Issues, Theories, and Research, 3rd Edition: Ralph Erber & Maureen Erber
  307. First Aid for the USMLE Step 3, 5th Edition: Tao Le & Vikas Bhushan
  308. Essential C# 6.0, 5th Edition: Mark Michaelis & Eric Lippert
  309. Business Communication Essentials: Fundamental Skills for the Mobile-Digital-Social Workplace, 8th Edition: Courtland L. Bovee & John V. Thill
  310. Fundamentals of Physics, 11th Edition: David Halliday & Robert Resnick & Jearl Walker
  311. Critical Care Nursing Certification: Preparation, Review, and Practice Exams, 7th Edition: Alexander Johnson & Hillary Crumlett
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  314. Risk Management and Financial Institutions, 5th Edition: John C. Hull
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  320. Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 10th Edition: John C. Hull
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  323. University Physics with Modern Physics in SI Units, 15th Edition, Global Edition: Hugh D. Young & Roger A. Freedman
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  328. Calculus: A Complete Course, 9th Edition: Robert A. Adams & Christopher Essex
  329. Unification and Supersymmetry: The Frontiers of Quark-Lepton Physics, 3rd Edition: Rabindra N. Mohapatra & R. N. Mohapatra
  330. Contemporary Coloproctology, 2012th Edition: steven brown & John E. Hartley & Jim Hill & Nigel Scott & J. Graham Williams
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  337. Stevens' Handbook of Experimental Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience, Learning and Memory, 4th Edition: John T. Wixted & Elizabeth A. Phelps
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  339. The Chemistry of Superheavy Elements, 2nd Edition: Matthias Schädel & Dawn Shaughnessy
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  341. Foundations of Psychological Testing: A Practical Approach, 5th Edition: Leslie A. Miller & Robert L. Lovler
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  343. Human Genetics Concepts and Applications, 12th Edition: Ricki Lewis
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  346. Psychology: A Journey, 5th Edition: Dennis Coon & John O. Mitterer
  347. Psychological Testing: Principles, Applications, and Issues, 9th Edition: Robert M. Kaplan & Dennis P. Saccuzzo
  348. Research Methods, Design, and Analysis, 12th Edition, Global Edition: Larry B. Christensen & R. Burke Johnson & Lisa A. Turner
  349. Educational Research: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Approaches, 6th Edition: Robert Burke Johnson & Larry B. Christensen
  350. Adolescence, 11th Edition: Laurence Steinberg
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We look at the latest Global Gambling Statistics: Comparing revenue, popular games & personal data to discover the world's best Gambling nations in 2021. This edition of Australian Gambling Statistics contains 2017–2018 gambling statistics for all Australian states and territories. To see how Victoria compares with the rest of Australia on gambling expenditure, see Gambling in Victoria on the Foundation's website.. This comprehensive set of data covers the entire range of legalised Australian gambling products such as pokies, casino, race The statistics were obtained from cross-sectional analysis of Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey data, wave 15, which is the first wave to include gambling questions. The HILDA Survey was designed so that participants' responses (17,606 participants in wave 15) could be generalised to the Australian adult population. It can also lead to stress, mental health issues and loss of control. In fact, 0.5-1.0% of Australian adults are problem gamblers according to Central Coast Gambling Help, and a further 1.4-2.1% Here are a few other key gambling statistics from the Australian Institute of Family Studies: There are 6.8 million regular gamblers in Australia – 39% of the population Participation in lotteries was most common (76%), followed by instant scratch tickets (22%) and electronic gaming machines (EGMs) (21%) This edition of Australian Gambling Statistics contains 2016–2017 gambling statistics for all Australian states and territories. To see how Victoria compares with the rest of Australia on gambling expenditure, see Gambling in Victoria on the Foundation's website.. This comprehensive set of data covers the entire range of legalised Australian gambling products such as pokies, casino, race Australian gambling statistics is a comprehensive set of statistics related to gambling in Australia, covering the entire range of legalised Australian gambling products. The publication has been produced since 1984, and is compiled annually by the Queensland Government Statistician's Office in co-operation with all Australian state and territory governments. The gambling industry provides roughly 86,000 jobs throughout the country. Also, Australian tax revenue and the enjoyment of gambling are valued around AU$12.1 billion to AU$15.8 billion a year. Much of the Australian gambling industry heavily focuses on bringing international players to our shores which constitutes a huge source of foreign revenue. Australian Gambling Statistics (AGS) AGS comprises statistics on turnover, expenditure and government revenue from gambling activities conducted in Australian states and territories.< The publication has been produced since 1984, and is compiled annually by the Queensland Government Statistician's Office in co-operation with all Australian state and territory governments. Australian Gambling Statistics 30th Edition chances of winning. The best way of taking advantage of the top casino bonuses is by finding a promotion or an offer that best suits you. Also ensure that you have checked the terms and conditions of a given bonus well in advance.

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